Deceiver's Cant was a secret language used exclusively among the cult of the Stranglers. It allowed them to operate and communicate with each other without revealing their presence to non-cult members. The language was used by the Stranglers throughout the Books of the South and the Books of Glittering Stone.
Lady learned this tongue during Dreams of Steel, during that time when the Deceivers had tricked her into believing she was their "Foretold" savior. (In fact, she was simply carrying their savior, the Daughter of Night, in her womb). At the same time, Lady's insane sister Soulcatcher also learned the tongue. She was masquerading as Lady in Taglios and had Lady's husband Croaker rendered speechless and disguised with a glamour that made him look like Ram. Soulcatcher used the Deceiver's cant perfectly to trick several Stranglers into tracking the court wizard Smoke.
In Soldiers Live, the Khadidas approached the chief Strangler jamadar, Narayan Singh, and conversed with him in Deceiver's Cant. He used the breathy language to assure Narayan that he was the favorite servant of their goddess Kina... and then martyred him with a rumel.